A group of children playing outside.

Creating Hope
for Children with
Heart Conditions

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What we do

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The Association of Parents and Friends of Heart Diseased Children is a Charitable Non-Profit Association that provides support, assistance and education services to all people with Congenital Heart Diseases and their families. It was founded in 1985. It organizes various actions such as informing the public about Congenital Heart Disease, lectures with invited doctors inside and outside Cyprus, workshops, programs in collaboration with various agencies with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of people with Congenital Heart Disease, events, etc.


Main goals of the Association

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The Association supports people with Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases with various services. Information and guidance, Psychological Support, Financial Support, safeguarding the rights of patients with Congenital Heart Diseases, Informative lectures, Informative meetings, organizes trips to get to know each other among members, Pancypriot Emergency Helpline, Discounts from various stores, information campaigns, etc.

The information, enlightenment and awareness of the public about Congenital Heart Diseases The education and empowerment of people with Congenital Heart Diseases.

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Finding resources, sponsors to support the actions of the Association and the various programs it organizes

Always aiming at the best quality of life for people with Congenital Heart Diseases, the Association, in collaboration with Pediatric Cardiologists, makes efforts to find European Programs. So far it has organized the following programs: Exercise and Congenital Heart Diseases Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Diseases Rehabilitation Also in collaboration with the Center for Specialized Pediatrics To Paidi we participate in the Learning Disabilities and Congenital Heart Diseases program.

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The cooperation with the competent bodies such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour, the Health Committee of the Parliament etc. to ensure a 5er quality of life for people with Congenital Heart Diseases The promotion of the creation of a file of Congenital Heart Diseases.

Participation of people with Congenital Heart Diseases in information and education programs.

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